
September 2018 Workshop Programme (PDF)

September 2018 Workshop Presentations PDFs 

Websites/Digital Archives

Barcelona 2017

Memorial for la Rambla 17A


Brussels 2016

The Digital Archive
Commémoration des attentats du 22 mars 2016


Manchester 2017

Manchester Together Archive Project


Paris 2015

Hommages aux victimes des attentats de 2015
REAT Project


Stockholm 2017

Images collected by the Stockholm County Museum, related to the Stockholm 2017
The Nordic Museum/Nordiska museet collection


10,000 Objects: The film documents the process of creating the Manchester Together Archive at Manchester Art Gallery.
2,000 Teddies: The film follows the journey of the soft toys that were left in St Ann’s Square after the Manchester Arena attack.
Jo and Freda’s Story: Jo and Freda were amongst the individuals and organisations that came together to give the 2,000 soft toys a new life. 
22 Candles: The film tells the story of the artist who created candles for the Manchester memorial service from the candles that were left by members of the public after the attack


Publications by Network Members

Arvanitis, K. 2019. “The ‘Manchester Together Archive’: researching and developing a museum practice of spontaneous memorials”, Museum and Society, 17(3), 510-532 [PDF}

Arvanitis, K. 2019. “Collecting, Documenting and Using Spontaneous Memorials: the case of the ‘Manchester Together Archive’” ARC Magazine, August, 361, 11-13.

Arvanitis, K. 2018. Creating, Documenting and Using Archives of Spontaneous Memorials. International Workshop. Report.

Bazin, M. 2017. Quand la rue prend le deuil : les mémoriaux éphémères post-attentats La Vie des idées

— 2016. L’énonciation d’un deuil national. Usages de “Je suis Charlie” dans les écritures urbaines, in P. Lefébure & C. Sécail (ed.) Le Défi Charlie. Les médias à l’épreuve des attentats: 153–86. Lemieux Editeur.

Bazin, M. & G. Truc. 2018. “The Keepers of Memory: mobilizations and conflicts of appropriation around post-terrorist attacks memorials in Madrid, London and Paris” Ethnologie Française.

Bazin, M. & M. Van Eeckenrode. 2018. “Introduction. L’archiviste et l’événement traumatique”. La Gazette des Archives, 250.

Boquet, F. 2017. “Les Archives de la Ville de Bruxelles face aux attentats du 22 mars 2016”. Cahiers Bruxellois – Brusselse CahiersXLIX: 59–76.

Boquet, F. & M. Van Eeckenrode. 2018a. “Archiver l’éphémère après les attentats de Bruxelles. Une réflexion théorique”. La Gazette des Archives,250.

— 2018b. “Archiver un lieu, documenter un geste. Les mémoriaux éphémères des attentats de Bruxelles”, in Archiver le temps présent. Les fabriques alternatives d’archives. Actes des Journées des Archives. Louvain-la-Neuve.

Carden-Coyne, Ana. 2009. Reconstructing the body classicism, modernism, and the First World War. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Carden-Coyne, A. 2003. “Gendering Death and Renewal: Classical Monuments of the First World War”. Humanities Research,10(2). 

Carden-Coyne, Ana., T. Wilcox., D.C. Price., S. Biernoff. & Manchester Art Gallery 2014. The Sensory War 1914 – 2014. Manchester: Manchester City Art Gallery.

Ceselli, A. & M. Pintault. 2018. “De la rue aux Archives de Paris : le traitement des hommages aux victimes des attentats de novembre 2015”. La Gazette des Archives, 250.

Collins, H., Allsopp K., Arvanitis, K., Chitsabesan, P., and French P.2020. ‘Psychological impact of spontaneous memorials: A narrative review’, Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy, Online First Publication, March 19, 2020.

Duvigneau, M. 2018. Nice, 14 juillet 2016. “Collecte des hommages déposés au kiosque à musique : les Archives sous tension”.  La Gazette des Archives,250.

Eyre, A. 2018. “Book Review: Shell Shocked: The Social Response to Terrorist Attacks by Gérôme Truc”The Sociological Review Blog. 17h December

— 2018. “Remembering: Community Commemoration After Disaster”, in H. Rodríguez, W. Donner, & J.E. Trainor (ed.) Handbook of Disaster Research, 2nd ed. Handbooks of Sociology and Social Research. Springer International Publishing. //

— 2012. “The Fields of Anfield Road: Understanding the Memorials and Sepulchral Culture of Liverpool FC”, in M. Herzog (ed.) Memorialkultur im Fußballsport: Medien, Rituale und Praktiken des Erinnerns, Gedenkens und Vergessens, 1. Aufl.: 173–98. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer W., GmbH.

— 2007. “Post Disaster Memorials and Services”, in A. Stock & C. Stott (ed.) Representing the Unimaginable. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang.

— 2006b. “Literature and Best Practice Review and Assessment: Identifying people’s needs in major emergencies and best practice in humanitarian response”. DCMS.

— 2006a. “Community support after disasters. Winston Churchill Memorial Trust”.

— 1999. “In Remembrance: Post-disaster Rituals and Symbols”. Australian Journal of Emergency Management, The14: 23.;dn=392074388428210;res=IELHSS.

Eyre, A. & P. Dix. 2014. Collective Conviction: The Story of Disaster Action. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press.

Hartig, K., B. Jensen., A. Wallenius. & E. Boogh. 2018. “Collecting the Ephemeral Social Media Photograph for the Future – Why Museums and Archives Need to Embrace New Work Practices for Photography Collections” – MW18: Museums and the Web 2018.Vancouver, Canada.

Pintault, M. 2017. “Archiver l’éphémère : pratiques et enjeux”.

Truc, G. 2018. “Témoigner (virtuellement) sa solidarité aux victimes. Les usages d’un dispositif informatique en gare d’Atocha après l’attentat du 11 mars 2004 à Madrid”. Réseaux,210: 23–51.

— (ed.) 2017b. “Spontaneous memorialization”. Memory at stake4.

— 2017a. Shell Shocked: The Social Response to Terrorist Attacks. (trans.) A. Brown. Wiley. 

“Book Review: Shell Shocked: The Social Response to Terrorist Attacks”The Sociological Review Blog. 17h December 2018. By Anne Eyre

— 2015. “Venir à Ground Zero, se souvenir du 11-Septembre Espaces”.Temps.net

— 2012. “Memory of places and places of memory: for a Halbwachsian socio-ethnography of collective memory”. International Social Science Journal203–204: 147–59.

— 2011b. “Archivo del Duelo project at CSIC after Madrid bombings, from 2006 to 2011”, in C. Sánchez-Carretero (ed.) El Archivo del Duelo. Análisis de la respuesta ciudadana ante los atentados del 11 de marzo en Madrid: 207–27. Madrid: CSIC.

— 2011a. “Analyser un corpus illisible ? Le logiciel Alceste confronté à des registres de condoléances”. Langage et Société,135: 29–45.

— 2006. “Le cosmopolitisme sous le coup de l’émotion. Une lecture sociologique des messages de solidarité en réaction aux attentats du 11 mars 2004 à Madrid”. Hermès,46: 189–99.

Truc, G. & C. Sánchez-Carretero. “Polarised topography of rival memories: the commemorations of 11th March 2004 train bombings in Madrid”, in M.L. Sørensen (ed.) Memorials after conflict. From history to heritage. New York/Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. Forthcoming

Watkins, J. 2012. “The value of disaster memorials and rituals”. Mental Health Today

Whitton, S. 2018. “Post disaster temporary memorialising: psychosocial considerations for disaster managers”. Australian Journal of Emergency Management,33.

— 2016. Exploring the role of memorialising in disaster recovery. Winston Churchill Memorial Trust.

Whitton, S., J. Huard., R. Nibbs. & L. Drennan. 2015. “Adaptive approaches to disaster response and recovery viewed through a psychosocial lens: Sydney Siege Case Study”. National Emergency Response, 28.

3 thoughts on “Resources

  1. Dr Anne Eyre says:

    I continue to find this a unique, helpful, specialst resource in my work which includes providing training, research and consultancy to various authorities dealing with disaster. By way of example I include reference to the conference, project and website in my regular training with Multiagency Gold Incident Commanders (the MAGIC course) across the UK who I help prepare to lead emergency response following any major incident. The website continues to provids them – and me – with valuable resources, case studies and international contacts to help with the practical management of memorlaisation after mass fatality incidents. Many thanks to Kostas and colleagues for this great resource.
    Dr Anne Eyre, Centre for Collective Trauma/Disaster Action

  2. Gerome Truc says:

    Initiatives to collect and study spontaneous memorials have multiplied over the last 15 years, but without coordination. The creation of the spontaneous memorials network has made it possible to federate many of these initiatives, opening the way to comparative research work, as well as the development of reference protocols and the sharing of best practices among archivists and international professionals. In this respect, this network constitutes for me, as for my French colleagues, researchers and archivists, a resource of great value and without equivalent. Thank you very much Kostas for creating it!

    Dr Gerome Truc, CNRS (France)

  3. Jenny Marsden says:

    I have used these resources for my own learning around the formation and use of the Manchester Together Archive before I started working with the collection, and also to deepen my understanding of the potential meaning and use of archives of spontaneous memorials more generally and the challenges that were likely to be encountered when working with them. Having easy access to examples of existing digital archives of spontaneous memorials helped shape my thinking around the design and functionality of an online archive for the Manchester Together Archive. I have also shared the resources with volunteers on the project who were interested in finding out more about work that has been done with spontaneous memorials around the world.

    Jenny Marsden, project coordinator and digital archivist, Manchester Together Archive

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